Galaxy S5 vibrates, shuts down, starts up again and can’t get past the logo
System issues are among the most common problems reported by our readers. Ever since we started supporting the #Samsung #GalaxyS5, we received hundreds of those problems and I included some of them in this article. Issues like random and/or frequent reboots, SIM card recognition/detection error and getting stuck while booting up always make it to the top ten list. Read on to learn how to tackle these issues.

Other problems I cited here include glitches after turning off multi-window mode, sec.abt service sucking up the battery and issues after successful rooting process. I provided some explanations as well as recommendations on what to do if they occur. You may click on the link below to jump to a specific issue to know how to address it in case you encounter something similar.
For other concerns, visit our troubleshooting page and find issues that are related and use the existing solutions. If they won’t work or if you couldn’t find something similar to your problem, FB Page to contact us.
Galaxy S5 vibrates, shuts down, starts up again and can’t get past the logo
ProblemEvery now and then (happening more often) my phone will vibrate for about 30 seconds and shutdown but it tries to restart itself. Rather than it restarting it stays on the Samsung android screen, flickers then vibrates for a second then goes black and the same screen comes up. I don’t know what is causing this. Also my phone overheats all the time and images are burnt into the screen. Took it to my provider and they thought I’d had the screen on for hours when that is never the case. My settings have it to dim and shut off after 30 seconds. Can you help me please?
Troubleshooting: The problem isn’t with the Settings but with the Power button–it’s stuck! Power buttons seldom get damaged so if this problem occurred without apparent reason, then it’s stuck. Try pressing it many times to see if you can fix that. If not, then try taking of the case and fix it or have someone do it for you especially if you’re not comfortable opening your phone.

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